16 avril 2006

Yixing Zhuni coquille d'oeuf

Et oui ma poule il y a des pattes d'oies au cul de la théière...

Sans doute celles d'un potier anonyme qui a paraphé avec la signature d'un potier célèbre. Pratique assez courante, mais peu me chaut, je ne m'attache pas à ce genres de choses : je suis un buveur et pas un collectionneur (quoique...) et la qualité de la terre m'importe d'avantage !

6 commentaires:

Jeancarmet a dit…

Merci Bertrand. Une précision : la qualité de la terre est au contraire primordiale pour moi !

A te lire,

toki a dit…

I do not read French, but your beautiful shots and compositions kept me coming back for more. A fine site for tea lover!
What period is this pot from? Last year there was a pot put-up for auction in Sotheby's which has the same characteristic as your.
And I when insane for it. Kindly let me know more details on this pot in english.

toki a dit…
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Jeancarmet a dit…

Hi Toki,

Thank you for your visit !
Unfortunately I am not able to answer to your query. This teapot has not been sold with an embroided CV or a beautiful story. IMHO it is a pre-50's teapot but I can't tell more about it... When you purchase a ready to wear shirt it comes with bags of paper, stickers and pins for a basic quality. When you get a bespoke shirt you have nothing but the shirt itself. The quality speaks itself...;-)

toki a dit…

Thank you for your kind response. Certainly this tea pot quality Really speaks for itself! What a beautiful.
Here is a link of a pot I did mentioned:


Love to share beautiful treasure with like minded people : )

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